The website of the centre for legal studies is structured on the thematic organization closer and more relevant to the citizen. It has also been set up following a navigation system that allows the user to provide in every moment of contextual information and guidance, and adapted in the most convenient to each of the currently available devices (computers, tablets or smartphones) in order to optimize the user experience.
Accessibility statement
The legal studies centre has undertaken to make accessible its website in accordance with theRoyal Decree 1112/2018, of 7 septemberon accessibility of websites and applications for mobile devices in the public sector (hereinafter RD 1112/2018).
The present statement of accessibility applies tohttps ://
This website isin partin accordancewith the provisions of RD 1112/2018 duethe exceptionsand the lack of conformity of aspectstoshowbelow.
Content is not accessible
- Lack of conformity with the RD 1112/2018
- En el portal existen contenidos en inglés cuyo idioma no se está etiquetado correctamente
- The navigation menu is not accessible by keyboard so that it is not possible to deploy the submenus partners
- There may be timely decisions in any web page.
- Disproportionate burden
- Not applicable
- The content does not fall within the scope of legislation
- There could be ofimáticos files in PDF or other formats issued before 20 september 2018 that do not fully implemented the requirements of accessibility. Although we have tried to ensure that the majority of them it comply with it.
Preparation of the present statement of accessibility
The present statement was prepared on 15 march 2021.
The method used to prepare the statement has been a self-assessment carried out by the agency itself.
Recent review of the declaration: 15 march 2021.
Observations and contact information
Any citizen or person concerned may makecommunicationson the conditions of accessibility (article 10.2.a) del RD 1112/2018, for example:
- Report on any possiblenon-complianceon the part of this website.
- Transmit other difficulties of access to content.
- To make any otherquery or suggestion for improvementconcerning the accessibility to the site through the followingcontact form.or by calling914551691
Communications shall be received and dealt with by the computer systems Service
Method of implementation
The complaints procedure laid down in article 13 of the RD 1112/2018 will enter into force on 20 september 2020
Optional content
The website is optimized for browsers and Microsoft Edge and the latest versions of Firefox existing, Safari, Opera and Google Chrome. The resolution of the recommended minimum web is 1280 × 1024.
The website has a web designadaptivewith what is displayed optimally in tablets and mobile. These devices is optimized for visualization in the latest versions of existing mobile Chrome, Firefox, Safari for mobile phones, mobile browser Opera Mini and native of Android.