The Centre for Legal Studies is an autonomous (art.1 statute of the JRC, approved by royal decree 312/2019, of 26 april) seconded the ministry of justice through the secretariat of state for justice, which has as its main functions and powers the initial and continued training of the Prosecutor, the higher courts of the administration of justice and the service of the administration of justice. It is also competent in the ongoing training of Lawyers in the Body of State and of the security forces in the role of Judicial police.
It has legal personality distinct heritage and own treasury, as well as managerial autonomy and full legal capacity and decision-making and, within its sphere of competence, its clear administrative powers in order to fulfil its purposes, in accordance with this statute, except the power expropiatoria
The agency is composed of:
- Organs of government: the president of the centre for legal studies and the council.
- Executive bodies: the director of the agency and the bodies are: the Director of training for a prosecutor, the head of studies and the secretary-General.