International training
The legal basis for international legal studies centre, is contained in its statute, approved by royal decree 312/2019, of 26 april. Thus, article 3 of the statute of the Legal studies centre includes among the functions of the body:
“ partnership and cooperation in training and advanced students and professionals from other institutions of a similar nature of the international level, as well as legal professionals. ”
To fulfil these objectives, the centre for legal studies, according to paragraph 2 of article 3 of the statute, may also:
“ To Hold, to that end, conventions and to maintain relations of collaboration and exchange information with similar institutions in other countries, encouraging studies, plans and programmes of exchange and international cooperation. ”
In performing this function, the legal studies centre has increased every year its international activities. At present, the centre participates intensely in the institutions in which it participates, with the aim of encouraging the exchange of knowledge and experience among prosecutors, lawyers of the administration of justice, State counsel, and forensic physicians spaniards and the members of these races in other countries, with the strong conviction that this exchange enriches the mutual training and impacts positively on the performance of its functions.
International activities of the centre for legal studies are classified in training activities and cooperation:
- Training activities:it is training activities abroad addressed to the Prosecutor and the civil service branches whose training is the responsibility of the JRC (counsel for the administration of justice, state lawyers, Forensic Doctors and practitioners of the national institute of Toxicology and Forensic Sciences).
- Cooperation:these are activities of international legal cooperation or development cooperation by which the cej participates in the training of professionals foreigners in spain or a foreign country.