In accordance with the functions assigned in article 3 of the statute of the legal studies centre, approved by royal decree 312/2019, of 26 april, the legal studies centre, the organization and management training and specialization of the members of the Prosecutor, counsel for the administration of justice, state lawyers, Forensic Doctors, protocols to the National Institute of Toxicology and Forensic Sciences and other personnel in the service of the administration of justice, as appropriate, referred to in article 475 of the organic law 6/1985 of 1 july.
Under these functions, the legal studies centre (JRC) produces an annual basiscontinuing training plans specificof the different professions and bodies, in addition to thecross-cutting training plancommon to all races and bodies that are formed in the JRC.
In its elaboration by the technical secretariat of the attorney-General of the secretariat-General for innovation and quality of public service of justice, of the council Of Forensic Medicine, of the national institute of Toxicology and Forensic Sciences and the legal profession of the state as well as with the participation of the education commission of the JRC and its working groups. In Addition, in the case of the bodies of Counsel for the Administration of justice, Forensic Doctors and practitioners of INTCF open public consultations to the proposed training activities.
The establishment in november 2002 of the office of Pedagogical Transformation, financed with funds from the recovery Plan transformation and Resilience will enable the JRC undertake transformation processes necessary to offer training of the highest quality and adapted to the specific needs of different professions and bodies that are formed in the JRC. Among others:
- Develop specific training on issues of equality, inclusion and combating gender violence, as well as the development of digital skills.
- Participate in the definition of educational pathways leading to greater specialization and deepening of the items.
- Care and offer more personalized guidance to school teams, including the definition and implementation of a specific plan of training of trainers.
- Develop multimedia content more interactive debates, with more versatile and more practical approach.
- Rebuild and improve the processes of identification of needs assessment and training, as well as progress in the measurement of the transfer to the workplace.
The selection of participants for different activities being carried out through public solicitation, save in exceptional situations in which the characteristics of the training activity will discourage. to do so, are two calls, one in december with the planned activities in the first half of the following year and another in the spring with the second semester.
As a novelty in 2023, in addition to the traditional participation certificates issued to persons who assist or participate in more than 80 per cent of the programming of activities for which they have been selected, shall be issued also in use certificates to those training activities include evidence of evaluation and to certify the acquisition of skills and knowledge on the part of the student body.
With regard to the teaching teams, the selection process depends on the race or specific body, which covers the training event. Thus, for the bodies of Lawyers in the administration of justice, the bulk of the teaching teams selected through public calls, together with the requirements of selection. In the case of the bodies of Forensic Doctors and practitioners of the proposal of INTCF training activities was provided by own teaching teams that impartirían.